Saturday, October 5, 2013

Wedding Blues

When my daughter got married, we did everything. Partly from necessity, partly because we are all do-it-yourselfers. Anyway, when the day came, we had taken her dog, and my mother's dog to my house to join my dog and left them there so they wouldn't be in the way. When we finally came home, we were beyond exhausted. Upon arriving home, we found that one or more of the dogs had apparently ate something that disagreed with them. They had pooped and thrown up from one end of our house to the other. It was in every room, on my daughter's bed, in the crevices of her bed frame. I cried for a while, and when that didn't make it any better, we began the cleanup. This was one of those times where you weigh the price of new blankets against washing them - we threw them in the yard, along with mattress pads and rugs. We did finally get to go to bed, and the whole house smelled of poop and spot shot! Funny now -not so much that night!

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