Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Just Like, and Type "Amen"

Oh, how I hate seeing these dumb memes come down Facebook.  "Just like and type 'Amen' and you will receive a large sum of money in three days".  Or, how about "Like and share if you love Jesus"?  These just really get my goat!
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to get a large sum of money, and I do love Jesus, but I am pretty sure my Facebook activity doesn't have much to do with either one.
First of all, do you personally know someone who got that large sum of money in three days?  Me neither.  And have you ever heard of anyone being struck dead because they loved Jesus, but didn't like and share a post?  Me neither.
You know, somehow our society has managed to come to the opinion that if we do "X" and "Y", God will send us "Z".  Where, exactly, does God promise to bargain with us?  No where that I can find.  I hear Joel Osteen preaching that if we do what we are supposed to do, we will be rich.  He doesn't say it in so many words, but that is the implication.  We are humanly trying to put a value on a blessing from God.  A dollar value.
Our "riches" and blessings have value, but certainly God doesn't need money to make them worthy.  We are using our finite minds to figure up something that came from an infinite God.  Think about Job.  He was a very righteous man, and had found favor with God.  He was doing it right.  He was obeying God and living where God wanted him.  And yet God allowed satan to take away all that Job thought was valuable, further proving that Job was a righteous man.  God wasn't punishing Job.  He simply allowed it.  He knew that whatever we endure on this earth, good or bad, can't compare with our eternal rewards.
While we may suffer and endure tragedy on earth, we can still have hope and know that our reward in Heaven (if we are born-again Christians) will be so much greater than anything here.  The richest man on earth will have no meaning in eternity.
This is why sometimes, even when we are right where God wants us to be, terrible things (as defined by our human, finite minds) can happen.  And by the same token, great things (also as defined by our human, finite minds) can happen to the worst of people.  People who we feel don't deserve this or that seem to have wealth and success.
I just hate that the majority of society, and some Christians, seem to think if they do this or that, in this way or that way, God will zap them some cash.  It just doesn't work that way.  We are to do right in the sight of God because it's right in the sight of God.  Our rewards will come in Heaven.  This is not to say that God doesn't bless Christians with money, either.  Just that the money, success, failure, tragedy, whatever is all temporary and will pass away.  We are much better off to concern ourselves with our eternal rewards instead.
So, don't be offended if I don't type "Amen" on your post.  And know that I do, in fact, love Jesus, though I may not like and share your post.
See you on the other side!

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