Friday, November 22, 2013

Is the old, new again?

While flipping through a catalog, I noticed several thing for sale. One was a telephone handset - the kind that we had when I was a kid that had a curly cord on it - made so you could attach it to your cell phone and use that big clubby handset to talk into.  The other was a telephone with great big number buttons.  I'm thinking, we have spent countless years making every thing smaller and more efficient, and now people are selling the old stuff?  What's the deal? 
On that same subject, do you realize we have, in the last 50 years, made everything we use more efficient, all in the name of saving time.  We microwave to save cooking time. We use computers to shop, to save time.  We use cell phones and computers to transfer documents and photos, to save time. We have apps that schedule our appointments and days events, so we may be more organized and save time.  Yet, I know that today I have less time than I have ever had.  I feel like I run from the time I get up until I go to bed.  Where has all this saved up time gone?

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