Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Answer is God...

This past week, three people I knew had their lives snuffed out for no good reason.  Two lives were ended at the hand of another, and one took their own life.  This world is a dark place.  We seem to be continually trying to improve things, and they seem to keep getting worse.  I love in the Bible where it mentions the devil, referring to him as “that old serpent”.  He is certainly that old serpent.  Working evil in the hearts of all who will let him.  Convincing people that life isn’t worth living.  Planting seeds of doubt in the minds of Christians.  Justifying evil as long as it’s for a good cause. Oh, he is at work, my friends, and working hard.  And we are letting him.  We are letting things slide when we need to stand up and shout that they are wrong.  We are justifying bad things that are wrapped up with good deeds.  

Where has our love for God and country gone?  Where are those people who, on September 11, 2011, said “We will not go silently into the night.  We will band together because we ARE AMERICA!”?  Where are the parents who sacrifice so their kids can know the meaning of true love?  Where are the parents who do what is best for their children and not what is best for the parents?  What has happened to discipline?  Believe it or not, there is good in setting boundaries and enforcing them.  A quick swat on a child’s bottom gets their attention and lets them know their behavior is not appropriate.  It is good for our kids to NOT get everything they want.  Life is not fair, and though we want the best for them, sometimes the best thing is letting them see that unfairness and helping them to deal with it.  

Where have our social skills gone?  We can talk smack about everyone on social media, but we can’t walk into a business and ask for a job.  We have lost the ability to converse with others.  We have lost good manners.  Please and thank you haven’t gone out of style.  Looking someone in the eye when speaking to them is still effective.  People still want to be valued and appreciated.  Not for what they have, but for who they are.  Kindness and doing what’s right is never wrong.  It always pays dividends.

So many people are living in desperation, searching for something to fill a void in their lives.  Some try alcohol and some try drugs.  Some can’t bear another day and take their own lives.  We are all searching for that mystery “something”.  But I can promise you it’s not in a bottle of whiskey or at the end of a straw or syringe.  It’s been here all along, but people haven’t looked in the right place for it.  God is the answer.  The only answer.  The only answer to all of the questions.  He is the father to the fatherless.  He loves beyond measure. He gives peace in your heart that you won’t find anywhere else.  

If you are searching in the darkness for something that fills your void, choose God.  He promises to give us peace and joy and eternal life in Heaven with Him, if only we’ll ask.  It isn’t hard, it doesn’t come with conditions, and you don’t have to get your life in order first.  He takes the broken, the weary, the wounded, and picks them up, brushes them off, and sets them on a path filled with love.  He doesn’t promise no rain will fall, but He promises to be with us, carrying us when we can’t walk, knowing that our reward will come in Heaven.  He promises to wipe away all tears and give us a life more beautiful than we can imagine. He is the answer.  Whatever your question is right now, HE is the answer. Don’t wait another day to ask God to forgive you, and come into your heart and save you!

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