My family's nightly discussions now include Brett Kavanaugh and his accusers. I am angry, amazed, and a little embarrassed by the stupidity of the Democratic party and the avenues they will use to try and interfere with our country's justice system.
I feel justified in what I am about to say. As a woman who has attended a few (ahem) parties with less-than-savory activities, Christine Blasey Ford is a total moron. First, I totally doubt anything she said is true. Second, if it is true, why was there silence all this time? Brett Kavanaugh has been through several steps, hearings and investigations prior to this one. Why didn't she say something in all these years? Third, I believe if I intended to seek revenge on someone who had sexually assaulted me, the first people I would notify would be the police. Isn't she claiming he committed a crime? Why would you notify a senator and not the police? Fourth, was she forced to attend said party? I mean, come on. If you go to a high school or college party where there is too much alcohol, you know going in that it will likely be a free-for-all before it's over. Am I condoning rape or sexual assault? Of course not. Now, I know there will be those who disagree, and that's alright. There are women who will say "No" is "No", no matter what. Well, that very well may be, but if you go to a party where you are drinking and scantily clad, and flirt with boys (which is what most girls do), you are putting an invitation out there. Maybe you change your mind at the last minute, and maybe he's a gentleman and accepts your decline. But to a teenage, inebriated boy, they don't always accept your "No". My point is that if you don't want to take a chance on being put in an awkward position, don't go to the party!
My generation grew up hearing the word "rape", and it was never linked to a party. It was a brutal assault by a likely-unknown person. It was never that someone went to a party, got drunk, and then cried rape. Again, I am not excusing the behavior of a rapist, but we as a culture have become so easily "offended" by things that everything is a crime. I've worked in plenty of offices where I got pinched, rubbed, and heard snarky comments by the men I worked with. I never called the police. I gave them a piece of my mind and handled it. I never even thought what happened was "assault" or "harassment" - it was called working in the same environment as men. Women fought and fought for equal rights, and they want to be equal with the men. I'm sorry to say, we are not equal! We are different. It is human nature for men to pursue women. Yes, some go to far, but these days men merely have to look in a woman's direction and she cries, "Harassment"!
So what happened to the U.S. Constitution that says people are innocent until proven guilty? As far as I know, that is still the backbone of our country. Yet any woman, at any time can cry assault, harassment, or abuse, and instantly the man is guilty. His reputation is tarnished, and he is now jumping through hoops to prove he is innocent. The burden of proof should be on the accuser, not the accused. There will be those who say they just couldn't come forward until 30+ years later. Well, you know what? Maybe you waited too long. Sometimes the best thing is not to wallow in self-pity, but to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and move forward, putting the past behind you.
This is the same boxing ring as fathers endure in custody battles. Mama only has to mention abuse and the father instantly loses visitation rights while they investigate. There is no burden of proof on the mother. If, after the investigation, the accusation is proven false, visitation is restored and the mother faces no penalty for lying and defaming the character of the father. Again - this is totally backwards to the rights given us in the Constitution. This is beginning to change, but it will be a long time coming before women are punished for making false accusations.
What about Bill Cosby? He is doing jail time now. Were the women telling the truth? Did he drug them? I don't know. I do know that if a man said he wanted to have a "meeting" with me, and only me, up in his hotel room, I would be an idiot to think business was all that would take place. Why did these women put themselves in that position in the first place? And, again, why wait a million years to tattle?
I believe all the accusers in the Kavanaugh case are lying through their teeth. I can't imagine how much money a person would need to totally ruin someone's life. I hope that if these allegations are proven to be false, the women are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. What an awful thing to put this man and his family through! This is a big deal for our country, and will set the stage for what will be allowed in the future. It is a shame that the democrats have managed to turn a relatively routine event into a circus!
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