I am so sick of hearing about radical acts by radical groups and radical people blaming everyone except the guilty parties! If someone tears down an historic statue, they should be charged with destruction of property and sentenced. Not the group they represented, for that group did not choose to act in violence. Just the person(s) doing the destruction. If someone runs over people, they should be charged with a crime and sentenced, for they purposely chose their actions, and should have to endure the consequences.
Apparently, in this great Land of the Free, we are free to destroy other people's property, and we are free to interrupt people trying to conduct business and earn a living, and we are free to violently assemble, and we are free to publicly condemn someone and sue them for not believing as someone else does, all in the name of freedom. Is that right?
Isn't is possible that the people holding a "Black Lives Matter" rally do not, in fact, represent all black people? Isn't it possible that people holding a "White Supremacy" rally do not, in fact, represent all white people? Isn't it possible that destroying someone else's property is NEVER alright? Isn't is possible that if someone doesn't want to do business with you, you take your business somewhere else?
You are free to think and say whatever you like. And I can agree or disagree with you. But don't call me a bigot because I don't celebrate whatever your cause is. That is my right, just as you have the right to plea approval for your cause, whatever it may be. If I disagree with you, let me alone! Don't keep trying to persuade me not only to tolerate you and your behavior that I disagree with, but to celebrate and proclaim how wonderful it is.
I have my own morals and beliefs and religion that I follow. I do not pressure or demonstrate to try and force others to believe exactly as I do. If you want to live an alternate life style, that is your choice. I disagree with you. I disagree with your lifestyle. Let me have the freedom to disagree.
I may like you or I may dislike you. It might be because of your beliefs, actions, lifestyle, religion, etc. And yes, it could even be because of your race. You may like or dislike me for all the very same reasons. There is NO RULE that says everyone must like you and celebrate your existence! You will not be everyone's cup of tea. That's called life. Didn't you learn that in Kindergarten? Not everyone is going to like you. If someone doesn't like you, don't assume it is because you are black or white or Asian or Indian. Maybe it's because you're just not very nice. And if someone doesn't like you, so what? Move on and surround yourself with those who do. Don't protest in my front yard or town just because I don't want to celebrate you.
It seems that everyone has somehow mistaken "Freedom of Religion" and "Freedom of Speech" to mean that all others who don't agree are bigots and racists. That is simply not true. Be whatever it is you want to be, and be glad you live in a country where you have that freedom. Don't infringe on my freedom, either. I am not asking you to join my ranks of what I consider to be "normalcy". If I think you're weird or wrong or whatever, I can think that. If I don't want to do business with you for whatever reason I choose, that's my right.
Grow up, people! Move on. Devote some of that time and energy into hard work and raising a responsible, productive family. If you want to change the world, it doesn't start at a rally or a protest; it starts at home, in your own living room. Teach your kids right from wrong. Teach them that they are not entitled to anything. Teach them the value of a dollar and the meaning of hard work. Teach them kindness and compassion for others. Teach them to be good judges of character. Teach them and love them and care for them. THAT will change the world!
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