Friday, September 4, 2015

Let's Get Back To The Basics of Life!

I see all the turmoil and nonsense in the world today, and I wonder, is it possible to just get back to life? What will our children and grandchildren have for childhood memories? Shootings and riots, and fear of going outside?

When I was a kid, our lives were filled with joy and wonder, and the worst thing we worried about was whether our friend would be able to come out and play.  Our neighborhood was full of kids and we all played together.  Some were a little ornery, but most were just regular kids.  We didn't have cell phones, ipads, or video games.  We PLAYED.  We used our imaginations.  We explored.  We laughed.  We argued with each other, sometimes duked it out, and then we were friends again.  ALL without the interference of our parents.  No one sued anyone.  No one called the police for a bullying incident.  We learned to compromise.  We learned that there was a pecking order, and once you found your spot, all was well with the world.  We learned that we are all different, but also the same. We acquired life-long skills of give and take. Our parents made sure we learned right from wrong and knew the meaning of the word "no".  We all got spankings on a regular basis.  And WE SURVIVED!!

We didn't have every minute of our day planned.  There weren't the same extra-curricular options that there are today, and I never remember saying I was "bored".  People randomly stopped by "to visit" and were always welcomed.  Neighbors knew each other and you could call on your neighbors for help and they were glad to assist.  Nobody had much money or fancy houses or cars, but we were all pretty happy.  We ate raw hot dogs.  We dug up bugs and worms and then ate without washing our hands!  In the summer, our parents said ,"Go outside and play."  And we always found something to do.  We built forts.  We played cops and robbers, or cowboys and indians.  We didn't know what racial discrimination meant.  We accepted the world and our environment at face-value.  I never heard of anyone being kidnapped.  Or murdered. Or raped.  I didn't know anyone whose parents weren't still married. 

What has happened to that world?  We call it technological advances, but have we really advanced?  Now, we can't let our kids even go outside alone.  And certainly not out of our yard.  We have scheduled "play dates".  Five-year olds have cell phones.  No one knows how to entertain themselves.  Our kids think nothing about hearing the word "murder" or "rape" on the news - it is far too common.  They can no longer be disciplined without someone calling DFS.  We try to coax them into behaving, and I see parents trying to "reason" with a two-year old. Ethics and morals have gone out the window.  No one takes pride in their work or their lives. Most kids have step-families now.  Children are forced to compete with technology for their parents' attention.  We have all kinds of devices intended to save us time and make things happen faster, yet we have less time than we ever have.

If only we could get back to enjoying life, enjoying our children, and stopping to smell the roses.  Our kids would be much happier, and in turn, our lives would be much more enjoyable.

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