Does this happen to you? I am riding in the car with my husband, not really doing anything, when I notice that he is more concerned with who just called on his phone or whether there are deer along the highway than actually watching the road. You know those grate marks they put on the edge of the highway so you know if you are veering off? Well, we know them, too - well. So that's when I begin my sounds and actions to make him pay attention without really "doing" anything. The sighs, grabbing the door pull, using the invisible brake on my side, and finally putting my hands on the dash to brace for impact if it happens. His only reply, "What? I'm watching the road. I do know how to drive without you."
Is it all men, or what? When I am driving I figure it takes all my concentration to watch the road. He comes home and tells about the deer or turkeys he saw in a field on the way home and I know, he's doing it. Sightseeing while driving. Nothing bad has ever happened, but I sure do worry about it. My favorite response - "That made my butt cheeks squeeze together!"
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