Wow. Wow. Wow. I didn't put exclamation marks because I wasn't exclaiming. I just cannot believe what I am seeing on the news. I can't believe what people are doing to their people, their communities, and their country. This is amazing and unbelievable, and not in a good way.
I truly believe that Obama marked the beginning of this nonsense. He was supposed to bridge whatever "gap" was left between black people and white people. All he did was make the gap larger. His campaigners solicited votes of black people because he was "one of them". That was a lie. I believe he got elected by those votes of folks who usually don't vote, as well as the deceased people who decided to vote that year. He did nothing for race relations in America. He was as unpatriotic as they come. He actually bowed to leaders of other countries. He was nothing more than a puppet, and he played it well.
MLK made some great speeches, and made some great strides for civil rights. As far as I knew, we were all on the same playing field over the last few decades. So what happened that made these radical groups decide that somehow we had moved backwards in time? What sparked all this sudden division between Americans? I think a far left political agenda is what sparked it. I don't really understand, because if they destroy America and our economy, who is it that will pay for their lifestyles? If the stock market crashes, doesn't it affect them? If taxpayers lose their jobs and don't pay taxes, doesn't it affect them? Maybe I don't see the big picture, but it seems that they are cutting off their nose to spite their face.
So, if there are all these protests about black lives mattering, exactly which black lives matter? Do black business owners who have worked their tails off building a business matter? Apparently not, because they have burned and looted those businesses. Do black mommas and grandmas matter? Apparently not, because they have destroyed the corner grocery stores and pharmacies where they get their food and medicine. Do black babies matter? Apparently not, because they are still being aborted at record numbers. Do black policemen matter? Apparently not, because they want the police departments dismantled.
How does one decide which black lives matter and which black lives don't? This is a terribly hard answer to figure out.
And what is white privilege? I'm still trying to unwrap that one. Both of my parents grew up poor. Not the kind of poor where you can't find money for a manicure. The kind of poor where you may or may not have supper, and it was probably beans and bread because they were the cheapest foods around. My dad worked hard all his life. He started a business from nothing, and built it into a successful one. He isn't a billionaire, but he made a fair living. I didn't have to worry about having supper when I was growing up, but I don't think that is from white privilege. It's from working hard and doing right.
Why are all these companies under the impression they must make some kind of statement as to whether they believe black lives matter? What a dumb thought. Of course, black lives matter! And so do white, Indian, Mexican, Asian, German, French, whatever. Why do people think black lives DON'T matter? Who told them that? Certainly not MLK. Certainly not me. Certainly not anyone I know. How about a statement that says EVERYONE matters. Every customer who comes to our business will be treated kindly and professionally. It doesn't matter if you're black, white, purple, or have a third eye. That's called good business. I just don't get it.
Also, do all these people not have jobs? All the people I know wouldn't have time to protest anything because we have to go to work to be able to support our families. Missing work = missing money. How are these people able to afford wondering around the streets for days on end? Are they eating? What are they eating? Haven't they destroyed the local grocery stores and restaurants? And how can they afford spray paint to deface property? Oh, wait... maybe they got it when they were looting the Target and Walmart stores. I just don't get it. AT ALL!
If you want the world to change, it won't change because you sprayed red paint on a statue or burned a police car. The change starts at home. Go home! Be responsible. Live with a little integrity. If you have kids, then be their parents. Love them, encourage them, spend time with them. If you're married, commit to staying married, through the good and the bad. If you have a job, go do it. Do it to the best of your ability. Do more than you're hired for. If you have plenty, share with someone who doesn't. When faced with a decision to do what's right and what's wrong, choose right. When you feel sorry for yourself, help someone else. Every day is not glorious. Every day is not a victory. But every day is a chance. A chance to make better decisions. A chance to live. A chance to do something grand. A chance to start to change the world.
Use it wisely.